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Motivate your staff with employee benefits

A priority for any company, motivating your staff is about more than salary alone. By implementing employee benefits, you can really inspire your workforce, as well as get ahead of the curve when it comes to attracting fresh talent.

Experts in employee recognition products, Love2reward offers a comprehensive selection of benefits packages to fit all kinds of businesses and budgets.

Cost-effective, flexible and simple, our range allows your staff to enjoy a benefits program they can truly value – something that translates into increased motivation among employees, as well as greater staff retention for your firm.

What employee benefits can I offer?

Recognised, well-valued staff members perform better than frustrated employees who feel they are undergoing a thankless task.

By implementing a benefits scheme, you can demonstrate your appreciation to your workers in a way they can really value.

There are multiple types of employee benefits packages, so you can choose something that really suits your company, your workforce and your budget.

For example, Flexebens is a salary exchange scheme through which your staff can enjoy discounts on various high street brands.

With a monthly contribution deducted from payroll each month, workers can receive a rolling seven per cent discount on the amount they contribute.

Alternatively, payments can be made on an ad hoc basis directly from each person if preferred.

Offering multiple advantages for staff, Everyday Benefits is another way for employees to enjoy great savings through the workplace.

A voluntary benefits package, this option sees workers receive discounts on a huge spectrum of products, spanning home and motoring, food, high street and even holiday products.

Flexesaver offers another great solution, allowing staff members to save for their annual Christmas shopping trips little by little. Before the event, they will receive a choice of high-street vouchers with which to purchase their presents.

Love2reward: simple and effective employee benefits

Employee benefits schemes from Love2reward are a simple, cost-effective way to motivate your workforce – and to appeal to new recruits.

Providing a range of easy-to-implement, valuable benefits solutions, we can help you to select a package that will complement your business – and your staff.

Creating a happier workforce, our packages can make your employees feel valued, increasing their motivation and productivity. Crucially, your firm will benefit from more productive personnel, improved staff retention and gain a further selling point in recruitment.

To find out more about employee benefits from Love2reward, call us today on 0845 313 0357, or complete our online enquiry form.

Top 5 uses for employee incentive schemes

Incentive schemes can help to improve performance

A well-designed incentive scheme for employees is a good way to motivate staff and help your company move towards its goals. There are a number of different ways they can be used and, if you pick the right ones, you will find such programmes are a cost-effective way to improve performance.

Low cost ways to improve employee benefits schemes

Low cost shopping is an attractive benefit for employees

Opportunities to reward your workforce will be in short supply if your company has been hit by the recession. However, there are still some small steps you can take to improve employee benefits packages without putting too much financial strain on the business.

Why set up a staff retention scheme?

Rewards schemes can help improve staff retention

Staff retention is an issue all companies have to deal with, as losing key workers is both expensive and disruptive. There are ways to reduce the number of employees who leave and not all of them will break the bank.

How should staff reward schemes be organised?

Rewards schemes can improve staff morale

With money tight in the current tough economic climate, companies are looking at alternatives to pay rises to keep their employees motivated. Among the options to consider are staff reward schemes that demonstrate to workers that they are valued by the business.

What do customers look for in a business?

Happy customers are more likely to buy again

With many people finding it difficult to manage their finances in the tough economic climate, it is easy to assume that price is the only factor that can help attract the public to your business. However, you may be surprised to discover how important service is to customers.

What factors help to motivate employees?

Staff value a team ethic in the workplace

Keeping employees happy and focused is a problem every business faces, and one that must be addressed if you want to avoid losing key staff. It can be difficult to come up with ideas for staff motivation, but you at least need to understand what drives them.

Top tips for implementing a customer reward scheme

Reward schemes can encourage customers to spend

In a competitive market your company needs to take steps to make it stand out from its rivals in the eyes of clients. One good way to do this is to implement a customer reward scheme that will incentivise people to buy your goods and services.

Top ideas for employee rewards

Rewarding long service can boost morale

Every employee likes to be recognised for their hard work. This not only boosts their confidence, but also improves morale and can minimise staff turnover at your organisation. Here are some top ideas for effective and popular staff reward schemes.

Do employees value perks and incentives over pay rises?

Reward schemes can help to motivate staff

Everyone would like to be paid more, which is why you will see even very well remunerated people asking for improved salaries. However, only an unwise business owner would seek to rely solely on pay rises to motivate their workforce.

How easy is it to implement staff reward schemes?

Incentive schemes can help motivate staff

An effective employee reward scheme may be just what your business is looking for to keep staff motivated during what are tough economic times. Such programmes do not have to be expensive and can play an important role in maintaining good relations between workers and bosses.

Using online points schemes for staff rewards programme

Manage your staff rewards system online

Whether you are hoping to boost productivity levels or wish to show your thanks to long-serving members of staff, reward schemes are a useful tool to implement in the workplace. However, choosing a system that runs entirely online can benefit employers and workers alike.

What issues affect staff satisfaction?

Vouchers can boost staff satisfaction

Regardless of the industry you operate in or the number of people you employ, you will want your workforce to be happy. As a general rule, staff who are content with their working environment tend to be more productive, so it is worth taking action to ensure satisfaction levels stay high.

Boost business by initiating a customer reward scheme

Use vouchers to reward your customers

The tense financial climate of recent years has – quite understandably – seen people become cautious about how they spend their money. So, with many shoppers watching their pennies more closely, have you thought about how you can get customers to stay loyal to your business? Implementing a rewards programme is a great way to ensure they remain committed to spending their money with you.

What key factors affect customer and staff loyalty?

Boost staff and customer loyalty

Ensuring that both employees and customers remain committed to your organisation has become increasingly vital – yet ever more difficult – in the challenging financial climate. There are many things that may affect their loyalty to you, but through the use of incentive schemes you can make sure they continue to be willing to do business with you.

Improve customer experience and reap the rewards

Improve customer experience and reap the rewards

Customers are the key to good business, which is why it is important to keep them happy at all times. One way to do this is by giving them customer incentives, and improving their experience with you can benefit your firm in the long run.

A step-by-step guide for improving employee engagement

Ensure that you engage with your employees

The economic crisis of recent years has – understandably – had a damaging effect on the morale of many British workers, but have you considered how you can stop this from happening to your team? By boosting employee engagement in the workplace, you can ensure staff feel happier working for you.

Why organise long-service awards for your workforce?

Long-service awards can help to motivate workers

The idea of staff rewards for long-serving employees is far from a new one, but the rationale behind it has changed over the past 30 years. It was once seen as the done thing, but is now viewed as an important part of a staff retention strategy.

Why choose gift vouchers to motivate staff and customers

How gift vouchers can boost your business

In any business, there is scope for improvement when it comes to motivating your staff to perform their best and encouraging customers to spend money with you. Gift vouchers are a versatile tool in these endeavours – but what makes them so popular?

5 top tips for attracting and retaining customers

Attracting new customers can be difficult

The ability to both attract and retain customers has always been a key issue for companies, but the current economic climate means it is increasingly difficult. Consumers and organisations have less money to spend, so you need to be more imaginative when it comes to promoting your business.

Top tips for managers seeking employee engagement

How can employee engagement be boosted?

Employee engagement is among the key points to address in boosting the performance and productivity of your staff. If you're searching for ways to further engage your workforce, read our guide to discover top tips on achieving your aims.

What areas can customer incentive schemes focus on?

How can customer incentives help your firm?

Customer incentives can be used to achieve a variety of ends, from drawing in new business and boosting sales to improving client retention. To find out more about the various schemes available, read our guide.

What does the recession mean for employee motivation?

Boosting staff motivation during a recession

The recession has had a profound effect on businesses in a number of ways, and while you may be primarily concerned with reducing expenditure, boosting sales and improving client retention, you should also turn your attention to employee motivation.

A brief guide to staff benefits and incentive schemes

Staff benefits to boost your business

Ensuring staff feel motivated and valued is an essential step to success for any business – but what are cost-effective ways of achieving these goals? There are a number of schemes designed for exactly this; read our guide to find out more.

Top benefits of using sales promotion schemes

Boost sales with incentive schemes

All businesses are keen to find effective ways to boost sales of their products or services, and if you're searching for something new, why not consider sales promotion schemes? To learn more about how these can benefit your company, read on.

The benefits of pre-paid gift cards

Gift cards for major stores make excellent rewards

When you come to devise reward schemes, whether for your employees or customers, you will find there are lots of options available. As the thinking behind such programmes is to build better relationships with staff or clients, it is important your choice is easy to understand and use.

Top ways to increase positivity and motivation in the workplace

Top ways to increase positivity and motivation in the workplace

Increasing staff morale can be one of the most challenging aspects of the job for an employer, as it is sometimes difficult to maintain motivation among workers. However, there are a number of ways to improve positivity, whether you offer bonuses or long service awards.

Why are more companies starting to use reward schemes?

Why are more companies starting to use reward schemes?

Businesses are increasingly looking for alternative ways to reward their employees without incurring financial losses. This is why they're beginning to turn to reward schemes, which will provide their staff with incentives to keep working hard.

The 3 types of incentives and when you should use them

Incentives can help to keep workers happy

Keeping your employees motivated is one of the keys to running a successful business, but can be difficult to achieve. Running some kind of staff incentives programme can help, particularly if it focuses workers on the company's goals.

The importance of building and rewarding employee engagement

Make sure your staff feel motivated

As the challenging financial climate has had a devastating effect on companies of all sizes and across all industries, it is perhaps unsurprising that staff morale for many firms has taken a hit. However, by building employee engagement levels you can work to ensure your team remain motivated.

Factors to consider before implementing an incentive scheme

Factors to consider before implementing an incentive scheme

Introducing incentive schemes for staff has a range of benefits, although there are a number of factors you will need to consider before implementation. By addressing these, the chance of the programme you have planned delivering benefits could be increased.

All about long service awards

Keep staff motivated with long service awards

Companies and business managers considering issuing long service awards may be interested to hear that there are various ways in which they can do so.

Customer reward schemes explained

Online reward schemes could boost custom

Customer reward schemes are a way for businesses to strengthen new client relationships and refresh old ones by rewarding them for certain behaviours.

Tips for boosting staff loyalty

Incentives can boost staff loyalty

If you run your own business, you are no doubt concerned with boosting staff loyalty and will be particularly interested in the various ways in which this can be achieved.

Tips on performance management

Performance management meetings can help improve productivity

You are sure to have heard the phrase performance management being used, but it is often spoken about as a concept rather than as something tangible that can help your business.

How to build employee engagement

How to build employee engagement

It is often said that a happy workforce is a productive one, but achieving the kind of employee engagement that will make that come true in your company is not easy.

Steps to achieving customer loyalty

Steps to achieving customer loyalty

Strong customer loyalty is something that all businesses aspire to achieve. Defined as the trend for individuals to return to the same company repeatedly for goods or services, it is a goal that has the potential to secure vast streams of revenue for firms.

Keeping employees motivated in the credit crunch

Keeping employees motivated in the credit crunch

The credit crunch of the last few years may have led to a feeling of low morale in your workplace but there is a way you can help – by planning some employee schemes that reward the job your staff do.

How incentive schemes can help boost employee performance

How incentive schemes can help boost employee performance

A happy workforce will put in more hours and effort than one that is disillusioned and feels unappreciated, so it really pays to take the time to boost staff motivation and look at all the ways in which you can reward employees for their hard work and dedication.









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